About Us
EZZIE MARKETING SERVI-EC is a Billing Descriptor which is meant to inform you about a particular monetary transaction you have performed. We are here to assist you with the same EZZIE MARKETING SERVI-EC Billing Descriptor that is now on your bank statement. Apparently, it is obvious that you have made a buying with the card associated with the bank statement, which is exactly why you received this EZZIE MARKETING SERVI-EC BD Statement. So, if you have any questions or apprehensions concerning the transaction or BD, please contact us. Our 24/7 customer care unit will be present to help and answer your doubts.
Implacable Support
Our relentless customer care officials are up all the time to serve customers any time.
Prompt Information
We make sure that the relationship with customers are maintained through fast, friendly and honest communication. We are bound to clear your doubts and give you the right report.
Secure Aid
We have an esteemed team with the best experience and proficiency to offer you the high-grade customer care assistance regularly.